All life has consciousness, and all life has some form of memory of experiences in the past. At the evolutionary phase of the one-celled organism, soul is easily observable, reflecting its own special intelligence. Soul is life intelligence. Through development, small life forms collaborate and coalesce with each other to become larger, more complicated beings with all life, such as easy one-cells, having systems of biology.
All beings possess consciousness and intellect, and our own lives are conditioned by the fact that we inhabit physical bodies which are composed of countless other life forms, each with its own history and process of development. Experience during conditioning we all started out as sub-atomic particles and climbed through the atomic, molecular and cellular states till we evolved to the human anatomy. Our DNA shows this progression throughout the kingdoms of life, and we have got the memories of all of the experiences of all of these beings inside us, built in our cells and listed within our subconscious.
So as to comprehend how this progression directly impacts our lives, we have to look at conditioning. Ahead of the human state, before the vertebrate state, easier organisms learned through conditioning and kept that learning as a kind of instinct, passed down through generations of creatures. We build up our egos throughout the driving force of intuition, and we create a conditioned ego through the survival drive. Ego provides the innate drive to do something, and this ego-drive expresses itself through experiences gained by actions, including pain and pleasure. All of us learn to react to life experiences because of conditioning.
Until another adventure with a candle flame is different, like one related to delight stability , that mindset will remain dominant in the baby’s memory repeated conditioning of various kinds of experiences, form an attitude toward these encounters, becomes a perception, and these perceptions become the traits of identity and click here for additional info. People have an ego-drive for experience, conditioned with pain and pleasure with time, leading to a succession of senses that eventually become our reality.
In fact, over time, actually creates the events that control our own lives. Our unique perceptions would be the combination of our previous experiences. Your reality differs from mine, and all reality is shaped by perceptions which were conditioned to perceive things in a particular manner. What you perceive as reality is nothing more than what you have created. By understanding how our personal perception builds our reality, we could more readily comprehend conscious manifestation and how it works. Understanding how perceptions are formed, we can find out how to alter them through conditioning.